We believe there is not a compound made by nature or man that in fact will heal anything. It is only you that can heal you. Everything we consume is designed to provide the body with elemental compounds which will allow the body to function optimally. Every living organism has evolved to optimally function without feeling at dis-ease. In order for this to happen though, the cells must have access to all the essential compounds including minerals, fats, amino acids and carbohydrates. Without a full complement of all in adequate levels, feeling at dis-ease will be the outcome.
You think you are giving yourself or your family a safe nutritious treat by packing trail mix with dried cranberries into lunches or for snacks, but you are actually consuming a host of dangerous poisons. This is just one more example of how much life is changing, and in this case in the wrong direction. IRead More
Bees are well known for their true sense of unity, of community, and of working together for the greatest good. What an example for mankind. The honey they produce has amazing health benefits. However, it is important to recognize that not just any old honey on the shelf qualifies as healthy honey. The benefits comeRead More
I read articles frequently about innovations and health discoveries that can improve or strengthen your bones. Osteoporosis is a huge topic given the number of baby boomers in our population and it is an important one if we want to stay vital into old age. Our bones give strength and structure to us and allow the daily activityRead More
It seems more unbelievable each time I read the latest information about the drugging of Americans. The prevailing subterfuge on the part of big pharma is alarming. Are we such an apathetic society that we no longer take personal responsibility for the quality of our lives? Have we become so blind to the fact thatRead More
This mask is a gentle exfoliator, an effective detoxifier and a superb moisturizer. Be aware that you will feel a tingle and this is the activation process of the properties that are doing their job.
At lunch today I was listening to a Whitney Houston song “I’ll always love you” when it dawned on me that she died of a drug overdose. When you look at many of the pop star deaths over the last 50 years, many of them were caused by pharmaceutical drug overdoses. Not once have IRead More
If You Are Feeling Sh---y, Think of Your Colon! As a society we are obsessed with cleanliness. We sanitize and deodorize our houses, cars and ourselves. We are developing vaccines for every possible perceived threat. We buy anti-bacterial soap for our homes and we even carry it with us in our cars. Many foodRead More
When reading this list, please keep in mind that the safest option is to always consider organically grown fruits and veggies first. The following are fruits and veggies that will be the highest in toxic sprays and fertilizers: 1. Apples 2. Celery 3. Strawberries 4. Peaches 5. Spinach 6. Nectarines 7. Grapes 8. Sweet BellRead More
Throw those high dose calcium supplements in the trash. I suggest trash rather than toilet because we don’t want all that calcium in the water supply and that is where it will end up like so many unwanted prescription drugs and other harmful toxins. For years doctors have been telling women to take high dosesRead More
Last week in Southern California and parts of Baja electrical power was terminated for up to 12 hours in certain areas. Power went off in our building with no warning. We immediately assumed it was a simple glitch or someone hitting a power grid in the area. This happened about 3:45pm, so it was closeRead More