
Eidon Ionic Minerals Reviews

Eidon Ionic Minerals offers a holistic approach to wellness. Our products are made with the finest, rigorously selected natural ingredients. These essential minerals offer cost-effective and beneficial ways for you to achieve optimal health, along with a wonderful feeling of well-being. Join those who are already enjoying the benefits and pleasures. Over the years, our minerals have helped thousands of people. Here are just a few examples of what people are saying. Be sure to come back to our site after you’ve tried our products and voice your opinion!

I started taking the Bone Support and the Multi Mineral Blend. The very first night, I slept without foot cramps. I also took at homeopathic supplement before I went to bed. Maybe it was all of these that helped; I can’t be sure. But I’m sold on the minerals. Easy to take, too! My husband is also taking the Multi Minerals. I’ll let you know if he realizes any changes. Thank you.


I am writing to let you know of an experience I had with your Immune SupportMineral Supplement. My three year old son Robby had a small pimple like sore on his back and a mild fever. After watching it grow for two days I assumed it was an infection of some sort and took him the doctor. The doctor confirmed to me it was a staff infection and started him on a course of antibiotic treatment, three times a day for 10 days. After seven days it was obvious the infection was not going away or even getting any better. Other than causing him stomach discomfort the antibiotic was having no affect on Robby. The sore went from the size of a dime to half dollar size and was causing Robby so much pain he was having trouble sleeping and was unable to walk without a limp. Over a week after he started his antibiotic treatment I spoke with Rick Wagner about his infection and the lack of improvement with the drugs. He suggested he take the Immune Support 2 to 3 times a day. A little skeptical that Eidon’s product could do something that a very strong antibiotic couldn’t. I took the Immune Support home to Robby. Let me tell you I am a skeptic no more!!! After only two days the sore on Robby’s back erupted like nothing I have ever seen. The matter that came out of his back was thick, green and abundant. Less than 24 hours after that, the pain was gone and his back was on its way to healing. Not only did the Immune Support work, but it worked without the side effects that antibiotics have, no stomach pain!! Now, two weeks later not only is the sore on his back gone, but so are the dark circles under his eyes. Robby is feeling great and we owe it all to you Eidon Immune Support Supplement!

Kendra S.

I purchased your Silica at Frazier Farms in Vista. Have been using it about 2 weeks and my nails are already much improved. For over a year I have been dealing with painful hip joints and stiffness and at one time was even using a cane. Well, I have progressed for the better.”

G Cuny

Just wanted to spread the word about the wonderful results I got from using theImmune Support. I woke up with a horrible sore throat, runny nose and cough two days ago. Immediately I started the one gulp [suggested dose: 1 Tbsp.] every hour routine and by the next day most symptoms had disappeared. My energy level and spirits were finally back to normal within 24 hrs. I highly recommend this product to everyone who wants to get their life back again fast.


I am so in-love with this lotion, first off, I love the that its comes in 16oz,rather than 8oz,like most msm lotions, plus it has silica, its not greasy, my face feels and looks amazing and did I mention super soft, I even get compliments,and I also use it as a conditioner, my curly dry hair is super moisturized, Now if only it came in 32oz, if you have not tired this lotion, if you have extra dry skin and need a pick me up, this lotion is for you. Love it. Now If only I could find a place that sells it in Toronto Canada.


Both my mother and I have hands so wrinkled that young ones have asked, “What happened to your hands?”. After less than one week, my hands are looking better than they ever have. I am astonished. Can’t wait to see what they will look like in a month. Vitamin E helped but nothing like this.

S. Reed

As a holistic health coach I’m very selective about what goes on my skin and what I recommend to my clients. Since I have very dry skin I was initially drawn to this lotion because of the ingredients listed on the label. Now, having used it for 3 months I’m sold. Next to raw, virgin coconut oil, this is the only moisturizer I use or suggest others try. Sending a very BIG and heartfelt thank you,

Karen Morales

My hair is thicker, my skin looks like velvet, and my nails are stronger. i am an esthetician in a day spa and i want to sell it to my clients. I swear this stuff is making me younger!

Jennifer Jones

I was told my thyroid levels were O.K via lab results, but I knew they were not functioning normally for me. I was constantly fatigued, my hair was dry and falling out and I felt more emotional than normal. I started taking the Eidon Iodine, Zinc and Selenium to nourish my thyroid and after 2 ½ months I am amazed at the positive difference it made in my every day functioning. More people should know about your minerals and I will do my part to spread the word

B. Piro

About 6 weeks ago I ordered Iodine for my mother that was to be shipped directly to her. It was not and at the time that upset me but the order had trial sizes ofSilica in it and I started taking it and my nails never looked better or stronger. I have to cut them back almost every other day…my skin was already looking good…but is now almost radiant. I am looking forward to the results of my hair analysis to see what I have been missing.

R. Asbel

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