
Eidon Ionic Minerals Reviews

Eidon Ionic Minerals offers a holistic approach to wellness. Our products are made with the finest, rigorously selected natural ingredients. These essential minerals offer cost-effective and beneficial ways for you to achieve optimal health, along with a wonderful feeling of well-being. Join those who are already enjoying the benefits and pleasures. Over the years, our minerals have helped thousands of people. Here are just a few examples of what people are saying. Be sure to come back to our site after you’ve tried our products and voice your opinion!

I have been on the Mineral Balancing Program for only a few months and already the minerals have alleviated my vertigo. Also, I have a new sense of overall well being — the feeling of being centered and balanced.

L. Clayton

I have been taking liquid silica for about 3 months.I am a 65yr. old woman. I really like the silica. I started out taking 1 tbls. didn’ see much difference, then I too 2 tabls. My hair and nails are really starting to improve. Even my skin is improving. It is not as dry. I had very dry skin, but not anymore. I really like this product. Thank you!


I have taken this product for over a year,and it does what you say it does,helps my tiredness,I’m not as cold as I used to be, if I need it I take another dose, it helps my brain fog, all I can say is it helps with multiple issues.

Ruth Burk

I cannot say enough about how good this product is, I own a Curves Franchise with all the illness’s coming through and my Son-in Law and Daughter live with me, they have both been sick this year with the Flu and I have not been sick at all. Praise the Lord, I had pneumonia two years ago, so I am very careful. I am 79 years old.

Ruth Burk

I have been using Liquid Silica for 3+ years and it is a great product for hair growth, skin tone, and bone strength. I can immediately tell the difference when I go more than a week without taking it.


Finally had a warm, sunny day in Michigan. Tried your California Gold Sunscreen. The Best! Thanks for a quality product

B. Rambow

I have been taking Eidon liquid minerals for 4 years to help with my Chronic Fatigue (Epstein Barr Virus). I have also been taking your Iodine for my Hypothyroid. Before I discovered your products, I used to wonder how I was going to make it through the day with no energy. Now I zip through the day even without a nap. Every once in a while when I get a low in energy, usually from eating the wrong foods, I take your minerals and I’m back into action. As a wife and mother with two babies, your minerals make my world go ’round and help me get my job done. My daughter was born with severe Acid Reflux and suffered over 2 years. We took her to several physicians and specialists who prescribed medicines such as Zantac and Prilosec which provided a little relief but no cure. She still cried in pain throughout the day and never slept through the night. Someone suggested we try putting Eidon’s Silica and Potassium Minerals in her bottle before she went to bed. We tried it and the next day she started sleeping through the night. After 2 and a half years of suffering, her acid reflux is completely gone. Now our whole family can finally get some sleep. Thanks for making your minerals tasteless and easy to sneak in kid’s drinks. Our family is very grateful to Eidon for all your wonderful products. Every year I get severe bronchitis and it usually takes up to 3 courses of antibiotics to kill it. This year the bronchitis started coming on again and I immediately began taking your new “Immune Support.” Within 5 days my bronchitis was gone without taking any antibiotics. I also put it on my family’s cuts, burns and cancer sores to prevent infections and they heal very quickly. I think every medicine cabinet, First Aid Kit and Paramedic should include Eidon’s “Immune Support” – Especially during this horrible flu season which seems to be getting worse each year. Thanks for coming out with such an incredible product that has so many versatile uses. Thank you Eidon!

M. Vaughan

After a serious illness I was left without my ability to smell, and spoke to Eidon about a supplement for this condition. Our family has taken Immune Support regularly for over 5 years, and I know it has kept us healthy through cold and flu season. I added extra zinc and am happy to say my nose is back! Thank you Eidon for your support and knowledge, now I have to go smell the roses.

Elaine Bisconti

I have been using Eidon silica for years and absolutely love it. Recently, I had reason to love it even more. My adult cat Henry, had a urinary blockage and I did not have the money for a vet. I began giving him a full dropper of silica every few hours, combined with Hylands homeopathic Bladder formula. Within a day I could tell he was feeling better, and within three days, he was back to his normal self. I now add silica to both my cat’s food nightly, in hopes of avoiding future trouble. Thanks, Eidon!

Cyndi Montgomery

After taking a prescription drug that had osteoporosis as a side effect (not to exclude my age and genetics perhaps being a factor), I did not get a good report on my spinal bone density test; I was under the average for my age. Subsequently, I attended a seminar on bone health conducted by Valerie Hall, a nutritionist who works through Mothers Markets. After discussing my problems with her, she recommended I take five strontium tablets every a.m. and two tablespoons of the liquid silica in the p.m. After following that regime faithfully for two years, I was ecstatic that a later bone density test showed that my spinal bone density had improved 12 percent.That was a year ago. I continue with the routine daily and look forward to seeing the results in another year. Meanwhile, THANK YOU liquid silica and strontium.:)Just wanted you to know!

J Unsicker

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