
Eidon Ionic Minerals Reviews

Eidon Ionic Minerals offers a holistic approach to wellness. Our products are made with the finest, rigorously selected natural ingredients. These essential minerals offer cost-effective and beneficial ways for you to achieve optimal health, along with a wonderful feeling of well-being. Join those who are already enjoying the benefits and pleasures. Over the years, our minerals have helped thousands of people. Here are just a few examples of what people are saying. Be sure to come back to our site after you’ve tried our products and voice your opinion!

I was so pleased when the clerk in the vitamin department told me about Eidon Potassium. I take medication that causes me to loose Potassium and this is the first Potassium I have taken that does not taste awful…and it stops my cramping in my legs.

Arby Rowling

just wanted to compliment you on your Eidon mineral products. I have received very positive feedback on the products, especially from my patients who have had a problem in the past absorbing supplements in tablet or capsule form. The responses from my clientele range from having a more restful sound sleep, more energy in the day, no more muscle cramps, more clarity in thinking, and an overall feeling of better health. Also, your Iodine has helped my patients with poor circulation, especially cold hands and feet. I feel that the patients are better able to absorb your ionic mineral products because of the bio-availability of the products. I also use your products and definitely feel a deeper level of overall health. Thank you so much. Keep up the great work!

Mikio Sankey

As a naturopathic doctor I have tried many formulations of sunscreen and found most to be extremely toxic! Since we absorb much of what we apply on the skin I believed it was better to wear a hat and long sleeves. This year while in San Diego I found your product, California Gold SPF 30. I love it! It is safe and effective even for the most sensitive of skins! I highly recommend it! It really works! Thank you.

Dr. Lynn Schriner

I’ve been using Eidon Multi Minerals for 2 weeks now and have seen wonderful results. I had limited use of my right arm and leg due to a stroke, but that’s in the past. My right side is as flexible and getting as strong as my left side! I used to take tons of calcium/magnesium to be able to walk without dragging my right foot, but Eidon Iconic Minerals taught me the importance of balance of minerals and the inclusion of the mineral silica for proper absorption of minerals. Thank you Eidon!


I have had muscle weakness and cramps in my legs for about 6 months. I felt as though I was not getting enough oxygen in my body and my breathing was shallow. I heard about your multi minerals and since using them for only 2 days I feel much better.

V. Basham

Our sixteen year old son had a sudden onset of Irritable Bowel Syndrome following a stomach flu nearly two years ago. Blood tests and stool samples were all normal leading to the diagnosis of IBS. We followed the elimination diet to no avail and used everything from high dose acidophilus to apple cider vinegar, vitamins and heart rate variability breathing. While some things seemed to help it did not eliminate the pain which was most acute upon arising. While doing research I came across an article aboutmagnesium and how it was thought this may be beneficial for IBS due the muscle relaxant effect. I bought the Eidon magnesium and began administering one teaspoon three times a day on an empty stomach with vinegar, a malic acid that aids in absorption of magnesium. Within a day he was feeling better and now one week later feels as though his IBS is nearly gone. I only wish I had heard about these two years ago. While the reasons for IBS are complex and mutli-factorial the addition of magnesium is inexpensive and certainly worth trying. In our case the results were immediate and I hope they prove to be long lasting. I’ll keep you updated.

Sandy A.

I have been using Eidon Minerals,especially the liquid Calcium for a least 10 years. I was concerned that my nails were thin, chipped and easily broken,and as a woman, concerned that if my nails weren’t healthy, what might be happening to my bones.

Vicky Korbelik RN

I have been taking the multiple minerals for a couple of months now and just wanted to say “thank you!” I am training for a marathon, and have not had muscle cramps once since taking the supplement (I used to cramp almost every time I would do a long run). Thank you again for your wonderful product (and thank you for making it liquid!).

Cheri H.

This piece of paper does not contain enough space in which to properly thank you for your incredible products. I have been taking your silica for approximately 2 years. In that time, my hair has become child soft, my nails have strengthened beyond belief and my skin has become luminous, and I swear, the tiny lines around my eyes have disappeared. Best of all, I just had my latest bone density test and the technician looked at me and said that whatever I had been doing, DO NOT STOP. My bones had actually improved. I am 51 years old and my doctor told me that I had the bones of a 35 year old. I can only attribute this to the silica. As I only occasionally take calcium supplements, and my diet is virtually dairy free. Also, thanks to your wonderfully smart and patient staff, I have been taking your selenium as well. I have learned a lot about this mineral in recent months and feel that everyone needs to take this vital supplement. I believe the delivery system your liquid selenium provides is far superior to the pill form I had been taking. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love it when someone tells me that I have beautiful skin and hair. My reply is always, “Silica at eidon.com.

J. Petrilli

take it [Immune Support] when my resistance is down, and certainly when I am sick. It speeds recovery time unbelievably so and cuts down on symptoms somewhat (i.e. reduces my fever, length of sickness and helps build my strength back up. I also take it before any surgery to prevent additional infections and build up my resistance. I tell all my friends about your site as well

S. Scott

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